This website was designed halfway between a digital book and a blog, emphasizing content structure. It is accessible in hierarchical, transversal, topical, chronological and opportunistic ways, which demands some explanations for it is uncommon.
Hierarchical access
Pages are layered into sections and subsections, appearing linearly in the breadcrumbs (under the page title), and as a treeview in the left-most column on desktop. This global hierarchy is similar to chapters in books. The complete treeview is visible on the home page, the other pages display a truncated tree limited to their parent section. Each section and sub-section has a chronological archive page.
The page content itself is once again layered, internally, using headings. The heading treeview is displayed in the right-most column, on desktop, or accessible on mobile in a modal window through the button, bottom right of the screen.
Transversal access
Pages receive categories depending on the nature of their content, independently from their section in the website. Categories are accessible through the main menu, at the top of the page. Each category has its own chronological archive page.
Topical access
The topics of each page are defined by keywords (or tags). The most frequent keywords are presented on the home page. Each keyword has its own chronological archive page.
Chronological access
The chronological archive of all pages, regardless of section, category or keyword, is displayed on the home page.
Opportunistic access
A list of similar pages is displayed under each post, when similar pages are found. The similarity is computed by an algorithm analysing content.
Search engine
A search engine is available from the button “Search…” in the top menubar, or through the shortcut Ctrl+K on desktop. The search is performed client-side, in the browser, and can work offline.
Every archive page (section, category, keyword) has an RSS feed, which link can be found on the archive page (icon , right to the title). Archive RSS feed allow to manage the granularity of the subscriptions.
These RSS links allow a feed reader to automatically fetch new posts, without having to use a social media collecting private data. This type of content subscription, trendy in the 2000-2010’s unfortunately fell into disgrace because of social media, despite its great technical simplicity and privacy.
These social media have built a business on selling private data, run thanks to advertising revenues, and even decide what content they actually show to their users, without honoring their subscriptions. For these reason, outdated RSS feeds are maintained here.
Developers API
If you are a developer of an application indexing content automatically, this website provides 2 complete index of pages :
- a valid XML sitemap, found at
, - a JSON sitemap, at
, which contains all posts (including content, summary, title, section, categories, tags). It is used by the client-side search engine.
The content of this website remains under copyright and the permitted uses are limited to indexation for the sole purpose of providing end-users with an index of shortened content allowing them to access the original pages.